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Road map

Author: CatDog   Publication date: 26/06/2024 09:23:49 Date edited: 21/11/2024 09:01:22 Views: 162

1. remove the cart, purchase buttons, and invoices in the account;

2. finish translating the site;

3. align the images;

4. add the ability for the user to add an ad;

5. add the functionality for messages between users;

6. limit the choice of characteristics for users;

7. finish the design (searching for errors and bugs depending on the browser version);

8. add the functionality for asking public questions to the author;

9. display the number of ad views and the number of people who clicked the "Write to the author" button;

10. develop a module for displaying ads from a specific category;

11. display similar products according to a match by characteristic;

12. develop a filter module according to price and characteristics;

13. Develop a module for entering the history of expenses on an animal with a display in the ads tab and the total amount of expenses with the ability to attach receipts;

14. Develop the ability to install another site icon with a specific page;

15. Develop functionality for quickly submitting information about a found animal that is being searched for;

16. Develop a page for displaying all authors with a filter by city;

17. Put the transcription in order;

18. Replace the text editor with a better solution;

19. Develop a site map module for search robots taking into account multilanguage and for API;

20. Develop a module for blocking unwanted robots that create a load on the site server;

21. Replace the carousel script with another one to take into account the screen rotation;

22. display the author's forum article and the publication time on the page;

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