Welcome to CatDog
On the website you can choose an animal to your liking, find out useful information on their maintenance, treatment. You can also help them financially and/or by promoting the animal's personal page on the Internet, and simply among friends and acquaintances.
Developer: "I have a goal to collect donations for the construction of an animal shelter. But it would be better if people took the animals apart. And the police officers will help identify those who breed them and throw them away in order to bring them to justice and remove the females for castration/sterilization. According to my calculations (published ads), over 3,000 animals appear on the streets throughout the country every year, few of them survive. According to data from the consultant of the State Veterinary Inspectorate Department Sergei Kolpakov, 17,000 animals are caught every six months throughout the country, and the catching is death on the day of the catch under the guise of the absence of temporary holding points. And temporary holding points do not keep animals for six months and do not file a report to the police about the discovery of property in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (Articles 231, 232)". LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS April 1, 2024 No. 361-Z "On Responsible Treatment of Animals"
Want such a fast site for yourself? You can buy a copy from us for 1000 USD (without a database), and thus help animals. Write to the mail support@catdog.by.
The girl is very active with excellent immunity. She survived after the animal abuser threw her into..
One of the workers threw the cat out of the meat-packing plant, or a passerby jerk, or the cat took ..
Bella (Squirrel) cat is very affectionate, sociable and playful. A small, dirty, emaciated, scared, ..
The fairy is tired of life in the yard. She gave birth to kittens in April. Seeks to communicate wit..
The cat, not sterilized, was abandoned in the yard in early July, then again on August 5, 2024. No h..
A very, very affectionate black cat, about 23 months old. Can be not the only pet, loves all cats an..
Brazen knows how to stand up for himself in a competitive fight with other cats, he is always the fi..
A black, unsterilized and sick cat appeared in the yard in September 2024. Appears to be five years ..
The cat disappeared, perhaps someone took it for themselves and did not realize that it was a pet. S..
The owners did not treat him, although they gave him recommendations and medicine. The result in 3 w..
The girl is playful and healthy, she loves to lie next to me on the bed...
A fluffy kitten, looks like a purebred, healthy in appearance. Thrown out into the cold by some anim..
Popular ads
Emily is a veterinary clinic in Zhlobin and the Zhlobin district for the treatment of many types of ..
The cat, not sterilized, was abandoned in the yard in early July, then again on August 5, 2024. No h..
One of the workers threw the cat out of the meat-packing plant, or a passerby jerk, or the cat took ..
Chipa the cat with the kindest eyes for the kindest Person, incapable of betrayal. The cat was born ..
Bella (Squirrel) cat is very affectionate, sociable and playful. A small, dirty, emaciated, scared, ..
The girl is playful and healthy, she loves to lie next to me on the bed...
Verny Druzh - a veterinary clinic in the city of Bobruisk and the Bobruisk district for the treatmen..
The fairy is tired of life in the yard. She gave birth to kittens in April. Seeks to communicate wit..
A very, very affectionate black cat, about 23 months old. Can be not the only pet, loves all cats an..
The girl is very active with excellent immunity. She survived after the animal abuser threw her into..
Popular Articles
The CatDog team decided to create a shelter and/or temporary holding facility for animals in the Republic of Belarus. But this requires financial reso..
In order to save on unnecessary expenses for the treatment of the animal and, most importantly, for its healthy nutrition, we are starting to collect ..
Now you know the storage conditions of Purina food and can order a safety assessment during storage, for example, maintaining a temperature of 29 degr..
Many dream books say that seeing a cat in a dream means problems and troubles. This may be quite true if, based on your personal experience, you perce..
ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ 9 января 2002 г. № 90-З О защите прав потребителейПостановление Совета Министров Республики Беларусь 14.07.2010 № 1055 ..
1. remove the cart, purchase buttons, and invoices in the account;2. finish translating the site;3. align the images;4. add the ability for the user t..
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К сожалению многие не смогут оградить животных от таких страшных вирусов как RABV, FCV, FCoV, H5N8, FIP, FECV, FIV, FeLV, FPV. Можно надеяться, то..
The Charter (Constitution) of CatDog (hereinafter referred to as the "Charter") regulates a set of rules for those who have accepted it or not. The pu..
Now you know the storage conditions of Royal Canin feed and can order a safety assessment during storage, for example, maintaining a temperature of 34..
From August 20, 2024 to September 1, 2024, the site had technical problems related to sending reviews, feedback messages and messages related to error..
How to post an ad (temporary solution for technical reasons)
It's simple, we'll place your ad on CatDog if you order advertising in housing and communal services, elevators, buses, mailing lists with a link to your ad on our website.
Before deciding to place an ad with advertising agencies:
- write to support@catdog.by;
- send photos with ad information (screenshots and edited photos are not allowed);
- write through which organization you plan to publish your ad to receive a link to your future ad;
- indicate the received link in the ad;
- write to us that the contract has been concluded and your ad is awaiting publication (send the contract number and/or) date).
After confirming that you ordered the advertisement, your advertisement will be published for six months or until the moment, unless you yourself declare that the advertisement has lost its relevance. If you write that it is still relevant, then the advertisement will be extended for another six months, etc. The advertisement itself is not deleted because This is the personal page of the animal.
List of advertising agencies for advertising:
http://8b.by/ (Zhlobin, Svetlogorsk)
https://888888.by/ (Gomel)
See others in the advertising sheets of your housing.
Animal ads from government agencies and bodies are published without the conditions for placing your ad with advertising agencies, but only upon sending a scanned copy of the application for publication with the organization's seal to e-mail along with files (photos, if available, and a detailed description of the animal).
Ads for animals that are lost or volunteers are published without conditions.
Volunteers and government organizations can get access to free independent posting of an ad.