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The chocolate fairy is looking for a family!

  • Женский пол
    на улице
    The chocolate fairy is looking for a family!

The fairy is tired of life in the yard. She gave birth to kittens in April. Seeks to communicate with people.

If you like it, call +375 (29) 910-58-00, free delivery to any city in the Republic of Belarus.

Description of the animal
Spay/neuter date 15.08.2024 09:30
Health status healthy
History of illnesses/injuries April-August 2024 gastrointestinal problems, semi-liquid stool. Taking medications, monitoring the amount of food consumed (wet food, dry food "Purina One"). May 2024 cold, went away on its own within two weeks.
Body color Black and white
Feeding Fresh water, baby food (beef, turkey) without oil, raw frozen chicken, Purina wet food, Purina dry food, sour cream 10%, fresh lawn grass.
Weight/Body Mass 3.8 kg
Capabilities Can relieve himself in a sink or a litter tray without filler
City Zhlobin
Сountry Republic of Belarus
Other data
Ad status Current
Animal status Actively looking
Поисковые данные
Date of discovery 10.09.2022-10.10.2022
Generic data
Date of Birth 10.07.2024-10.08.2022
Kind of animal Cat
Floor Female
Breed European Shorthair
Sister https://catdog.by/4.html
Children https://catdog.by/12.html (reception) https://catdog.by/13.html https://catdog.by/14.html

Потрачено на животное BYN:

80 - кастрация/стерилизация со скидкой + попонка (15.08.2024 09:30 Эмили)

3.2 - антигельминт "Зоолекарь универсал" 2 таб.

10 - капли на холку 3в1

2 - капли в уши "Барс" от ушных клещей

5 - таблетки "Кальций"

5 - таблетки "Карсил" для печени

1.9 - капли на холку "IRBIS"

5 - капли на губу "Веракол" 1 шт.

20 - гель "EnteroZOO" 1 шт.

3 - лечение (чистка ушей) со скидкой (28.12.2024 13:00 Эмили)

459 (75 (стандарт 5 мес.) + 384 (влажный корм)) - еда за 10 мес.

X+ - наполнитель, салфетки, стирка белья, транспорт, жильё

Задонатили на животное BYN: 0

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  • Date added: 25/06/2024 22:42:29
  • Date modified: 28/12/2024 23:48:36
  • Viewed (excluding IP): 408
  • 300.00 BYN

  • 0.00 BYN under contract

Tags: cat, cats

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