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  • Женский пол
    имеет дом
Chipa the cat with the kindest eyes for the kindest Person, incapable of betrayal. The cat was born in a private house, her first owners gave her into "good hands". But soon she ended up on the street. They refused to help find who gave her to, citing memory loss. During this time, she experienced 3 injuries: someone bit off the tip of her tail (before 2023), hit her in the pelvis (April 2024) and hit her with a car (10/30/2024). Now she is healthy, neutered, treated for parasites. Trained to use a litter box.
Character: very affectionate, calm, sociable, will follow the owner around, but not intrusively. Despite what she has been through, her look makes your soul feel warm and cozy. See for yourself in the photos :) (In the last photo she is 1.5-2 months old).
Description of the animal
Name/Clickname Chipa/Masha
Spay/neuter date 02.02.2024 10:30
Health status Healthy
History of illnesses/injuries Until autumn 2023 - Half of the tail was bitten off. 02.02.2024 10:30 - The uterine tumor was removed during castration. 03.02.2024 - A hernia was found because the animal cannot be allowed to jump immediately after surgery for 5 days. April 2024 - Pelvic contusion - treatment took one week of quiet life at home without a doctor's examination. 30.10.2024 14:00-15:30 - Hit by a citizen with a car - pelvic bone fracture, damage to the bladder and kidneys, the hernia softened the blow to the organs, worms were found.
Body color Green-white, Tabby
Eye color Yellow-green
Feeding Fresh water, baby food (beef, turkey), raw frozen chicken, Purina wet food, Purina dry food, sour cream 10%, brawn, liver sausage, boiled chicken sausage, frozen raw sprat, frozen raw herring, fresh lawn grass.
Weight/Body Mass 3 kg
Capabilities Knows how to come to the right floor to eat something tasty. Mouse catcher
Previous owner https://vk.com/
Current owner Data hidden
City Zhlobin
Сountry Republic of Belarus
Other data
Ad status Not is relevant
Animal status Looking for a home
Поисковые данные
Date of discovery 01.10.2023-01.11.2023
Date of transfer to owner 11.12.2024 18:20
Generic data
Date of Birth 20.07.2020-10.08.2020
Kind of animal Cat
Floor Female
Breed Mixture of Norwegian-Forest and Scots

Потрачено на животное BYN:

65 - кастрация/стерилизация со скидкой (02.02.2024 10:30 Эмили)

70 - передержка (02.02.2024 11:00)

0 - осмотр грыжи (12.02.2024 гор. ветклиника)

4 - антигельминт "Зоолекарь универсал" 2.5 таб.

5 - капли на холку 3в1

36.40 - лечение (консультация, осмотр, обработка ран, уколы) (31.10.2024 19:38 КОТоПЁС)

23.30 - Рабена 10 мг 1 таб, Синуксол 250 мг 4 таб.

5.29 - Гемастад-РН 250 мг 10 таб.

6.30 - Пелёнки 10 шт.

56.50 - лечение (консультация, осмотр, рентген) (02.11.2024 09:30 КОТоПЁС)

1.5 - капли на холку "IRBIS"

285 (195 (стандарт) + 90 (влажный корм)) - еда за 14 мес.

X+ - наполнитель, салфетки, стирка белья, транспорт, жильё

Задонатили на животное BYN:

X - лечение (консультация, осмотр, обработка ран, уколы) (30.10.2024 16:40 КОТоПЁС)


45+ - еда за 3 мес.

X+ - наполнитель, салфетки, стирка белья, транспорт, жильё

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  • Date added: 25/06/2024 20:20:50
  • Date modified: 17/01/2025 08:31:34
  • Viewed (excluding IP): 677
  • 500.00 BYN

  • 0.00 BYN under contract

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