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A cat with kittens

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    A cat with kittens

The owners of house 106 on Pervomayskaya Street, Zhlobin do not monitor and do not feed the animals on their property. The cat is in danger by running across the road to the garbage containers in search of food to feed her at least three kittens. Photos of the kittens will be later, if we manage to take a photo. On October 30, 2024, before 09:00, opposite house 104 on Pervomayskaya Street, a kitten was run over by a driver in a car.

The cat was seen running into the courtyards of houses 104, 106, 108 on Pervomayskaya Street and 34 Podezdnaya Street.

Description of the animal
Cause of death By car or by hand
Health status Dead
Body color Black and white
Eye color Yellow-green
Weight/Body Mass 2.5+ kg
Current owner Show on Google map
City Zhlobin
Сountry Republic of Belarus
Other data
Ad status Not relevant
Animal status Found a home
Поисковые данные
Last location of the body Zhlobin, Pervomayskaya st., bldg. 110 (roadside 10/15/2024 - 10/16/2024), bldg. 113 (adjacent territory 10/16/2024 - 10/20/2024), bldg. 115 (adjacent territory 10/20/2024) (the body was moved from one to another).
Generic data
Date of death 15.10.2024 - 16.10.2024 until 17:00
Kind of animal Cat
Floor Female
Children 3+ kittens from 01 August 2024

Spent on animal BYN: 0

Donated on animal BYN: 0

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  • Date added: 08/09/2024 23:57:05
  • Date modified: 17/11/2024 14:20:44
  • Viewed (excluding IP): 197

Tags: cat, kittens
